Tuesday, June 29, 2004

So...I am back.

Back to Toronto, back to my messy room, back to a summer job from 2 years ago. I kinda miss North Bay, miss having my own space, my own TV, my own time...but I am also glad to be with friends and family again.

My room is in a state! Man...can't believe how much stuff I have accumulated over the past couple of years moving back and forth from different places. There is so much "work" that needs to be done in my room and I wonder how long this would take me...haha...so maybe I should stop procrastinating and keep working!

So friends, I am back...I would LOVE to hang out and chill with all of you. Give me a shout if you want to hang out. You know my phone number and my e-mail addresses. =)

Hmm...the sun came out...it may be good to have a run...haha...another way for me to procrastinate. =P

Saturday, June 26, 2004

A new look to go with a relocation

So I finally have a little time to change the look of my bloggie. I still need a lot more work on it...but for now this is a good enough change. Sorry that I couldn't re-post all of your comments at the moment as I am using a new server for my comments. However, even though the comments do not show with this new look, I have a record of them all. =)

This is my last night here in North Bay, and before I continue my packing, I thought it would be important for me to jot down my thoughts. It's been a wonderful 2 months, and I can't thank God enough for the lovely people and the beautiful environment that I have been immersed into for the past 2 months. I have learned so much from my placement, and my preceptor has taught me a lot in many ways. My co-workers were unbelievably nice and friendly to me, and my clients were all great teachers. I had my challenges and my lows, but they served as spices to my experience.

Living alone is challenging, but fun. I have learned to do an awful lot on my own, but not feel sad or lonely about it. Today I went to the Waterfront for one last time to see the sunset. I also rode on a carousel and a choo-choo train by the waterfront. It was so much fun, a joy that I can't even explain. As I was sitting on the train and absorbing as much of the pretty scenery as I can, it struck me that what I had at that moment was exactly what I needed in life. The simplicity, the serenity and the joy. I don't need the huzzle & buzzle of the city, loads of money, dream cars and nice clothes. I just need a simple and joyful life, one that I can work towards the goal that Christ has given me for my life.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Thoughts from a tired mind...

2 more days of placement...and then I am done! Wow...it's so hard to believe that 2 months have passed by. My first day of placement seemed like yesterday to me...I can definitely use another 2 months to learn. It's been awesome working here in North Bay, I have been pleasantly surprised in many ways.

So...tonight I spent a couple hours trying to bake some brownies and cookies so that I can bring them to work tomorrow....haha...they didn't turn out very well. They look like they can easily crumble into pieces...I wonder how people make "solid" brownies...=P Let's see if they will become more "solid" after they cool overnight. The butter crisp chocolate chip cookies look OK...so I can at least bring those if the brownies don't turn out.

Lately I have been overly tired and drained...I don't even have energy to type e-mails or go online to chat with people...I apologize for being "distant"...but I want you, my dear friends, to know that I am thinking about you...and thank you for all the affection that you have shown me for my past 2 months here in North Bay. Your phone calls, cards, letters, e-mails have brought big smiles to my face! =) I never expected to get so many snail mails and phone calls here...=) LOVE YOU ALL!!! =)

Saturday, June 19, 2004

I only asked for a bird...

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Matthew 7:7-10

I went hiking on the Laurier Woods Trail today...kinda disappointed because it wasn't as nice a trail as the Education Trail behind Nipissing University. Nevertheless it was fun hiking in the woods, seeing squirrels running around and hearing birds chirping. It's weird how I couldn't see any birds on the trees, but could hear them chirping love songs to each other...so I prayed, and I asked that God would let me see one creature close up, coz I didn't see any on the trail. I was hoping to see a bird close up, but didn't. The day went on, and since this is my last weekend here in North Bay, I decided to visit the Waterfront and catch the sunset. As I was walking along the path beside Lake Nipissing, I saw a whole bunch of people with their telescopes. The sign read: "North Bay Astronomy Club--Public Viewing Session". I thought, wow, that's gotta be interesting! So I went into the crowd, at first a little nervous since I didn't know anyone there, but soon after I walked into the crowd a man asked me if I wanted to take a look into his telescope. So I looked into it, and there I saw the moon. It was the NEATEST thing coz I can actually see the rough surface of the moon. Then they all switched their focus of the telescopes to Jupiter. Wow...that was AWESOME too! I got to see Jupiter and its 4 moons...and the 3 bands on Jupiter as well...I was IN AWE to see all that...and the people there were so friendly to show me what they have in their telescopes.

As I was leaving those people to catch my bus, I realized that God has answered my prayer, but not in the exact same way I wanted it to be answered. It's interesting that God didn't give me something that I have prayed for, but gave me something way better. What a great way to be reminded that my Heavenly Father knows exactly what I need...He may not give me what I ask for, but will always give me something better. Not the second best, but the best.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Something that strikes a chord in me...

I waited patiently for the LORD to help me,
and he turned to me and heard my cry...

...He has given me a new song to sing,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see what he has done and be astounded.
They will put their trust in the LORD.
Oh, the joys of those who trust the LORD,
who have no confidence in the proud,
or in those who worship idols.
O LORD my God, you have done many miracles for us.
Your plans for us are too numerous to list.
If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds,
I would never come to the end of them...

...I take joy in doing your will, my God,
for your law is written on my heart.
~Psalm 40:1,3-5,8

Monday, June 14, 2004

HELP!!! Ants!!!

DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU SEE ANTS ALL OVER THE PLACE??? I have seen HUNDREDS of ants in my apartment in the last 12 hours...this is grossing and freaking me out!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Pick your chair carefully!

I had picked the "wrong" chair for the morning staff meeting today. While something serious was being discussed at the meeting, there was a loud "boooooot" sound that was let out...and everyone looked at me!!! Haha...no guys, I wasn't breaking wind loudly during the meeting, it was the CHAIR I was sitting on. (You're probably thinking: Yeah right Jacqueline!) The jeans that I was wearing rubbed on the desk chair and it made a loud noise...haha...probably because of the material of the desk chair?! So EVERYONE around the room looked at me, and then all bursted out in laughter...I had to talk over the loud laughter and said, "It's my CHAIR!!!" Some of you probably know that my face turns very red when I laugh...this morning it was laughing + being embarrassed at the same time...I think my face was as red as a tomato! =P Then someone commented on my red face, and the laughter started up AGAIN! Haha....man...was I ever THAT red in my life!!!

Monday, June 07, 2004

Horror stories

Working with clients who have mental health illnesses has been more challenging than I thought it would be. I knew that being the person I am, I would be "in danger" of feeling too much for these clients when I know about their life and their past. I've tried not to bring any work home for the past 5 weeks so that I wouldn't have to think about my clients when I get home.

Today during an assessment, I learned about some really horrible experiences that a client has gone through in the past. I am not a big fan of horror movies, but at least when I watch a horror movie I can distant myself from the movie and tell myself that it's not real. When I work with these clients, I can't tell myself that the "stories" that I am hearing is not real, coz it is! This makes it difficult for me to distant myself from their stories, and I end up feeling sad for them.

Seeing these clients everyday stops me from complaining, coz really, I am very fortunate and blessed to have parents who love me, friends who care and most importantly, a God who died for me and loves me unconditionally. I am among the 1% of the world's population who have university education. What more can I ask for?

Wow...I hope I didn't bombard you guys with too much of my emotions! =P Now...let's get back to the Stanley Cup Final...

Sunday, June 06, 2004 interesting weekend

I did things this weekend that I haven't done for a long time:
1. I bused to the Waterfront and watched the sunset...did some journaling by Lake Nipissing.
2. I chatted on MSN with friends until 6am! I don't usually have "deep" conversations with people on MSN...on Friday I did! =)
3. I had long conversations with 2 friends in HK whom I haven't spoken to for a long time. By the time I was done the conversations, my ears were hurting.
4. I went on a mini-hiking trip by myself in the woods behind Nipissing University. To be honest, I was kinda scared since the map I printed out from the website was not detailed enough...I need to get a more detailed map and bring a compass with me next time when I go again.
5. I attempted to change the background of this blog page, but due to my lack of html coding knowledge, I aborted my plan and reverted back to my plain old template. Does anyone want to offer me some help? =P

Thursday, June 03, 2004

In awe

So...it turns out that NOMEC has made a mistake and has sent the wrong set of keys to the married couple, Greg and Marya. They are now staying at the apartment one floor above me in the same building. Because of this "mix up", they stayed in my apartment last night and we got to know each other. Tonight they invited me over for dessert because Marya had made some Apple Crisp. =) Hmm...it was so yummy with frozen yogurt. My stomach is happy! =P

I have been reflecting on this, and can't stop but to be in awe of God's work. If it wasn't because of the mix-up, I would not have met Greg and Marya. My parents had been worried that I am staying at the apartment on my own. Now that Greg and Marya are just upstairs, I don't feel as unsafe anymore...and they also offered to drive me to buy groceries and to church on Sundays. Wow...God can really turn something "bad" into something good. I am in awe.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Housemates at the door

Apparently NOMEC (Northeastern Ontario Medical Education Corporation) messed up in their accommodation arrangements. A married couple showed up at my door today saying that NOMEC told them to move in, and NOMEC didn't inform me at all. I spoke to the contact person on Friday and she had told me that I am staying in this apartment all by myself for the rest of my placement....this married couple didn't know that someone was staying in the apartment either, so they were shocked when they saw me opening the door. Man...can you imagine this??? Someone showing up at your door to tel you that they are living with you for a month? I still feel kinda "unsettled" inside...

To put things in a more positive light, they seem to be a really nice couple. They are both Christians and they also have a car, so I guess it won't be too bad afterall. I was just so not prepared for the "surprise", and I would have appreciate it if NOMEC has told me about it.

Life is definitely full of surprises!