Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Thoughts from a tired mind...

2 more days of placement...and then I am done!'s so hard to believe that 2 months have passed by. My first day of placement seemed like yesterday to me...I can definitely use another 2 months to learn. It's been awesome working here in North Bay, I have been pleasantly surprised in many ways.

So...tonight I spent a couple hours trying to bake some brownies and cookies so that I can bring them to work tomorrow....haha...they didn't turn out very well. They look like they can easily crumble into pieces...I wonder how people make "solid" brownies...=P Let's see if they will become more "solid" after they cool overnight. The butter crisp chocolate chip cookies look I can at least bring those if the brownies don't turn out.

Lately I have been overly tired and drained...I don't even have energy to type e-mails or go online to chat with people...I apologize for being "distant"...but I want you, my dear friends, to know that I am thinking about you...and thank you for all the affection that you have shown me for my past 2 months here in North Bay. Your phone calls, cards, letters, e-mails have brought big smiles to my face! =) I never expected to get so many snail mails and phone calls here...=) LOVE YOU ALL!!! =)