Monday, October 13, 2003

Solving puzzles

I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving weekend! =) Mine was great except that I developed a bad cough and a stuffy nose! =( Hopefully I will be well very tons of work lined up for me....@_@

I am glad that I had time to visit some friends during the weekend, and I got to see my lovely brothers and sisters in fellowship. They welcomed me with such warmth that I felt so special....hehe.....=) At one of my friend's place I was playing with a puzzle. It was a puzzle with many pieces of wood connected together and the objective was to twist it so that a cube would be formed. However, there were only certain ways that you can turn at each connection so it was quite challenging to put it back into a cube. I was playing with the cube and I accidentally took part of the cube apart during a conversation. I had trouble putting it back into a cube form and I asked my friends to help me. (You can tell that I am bad with puzzles! =P) I turned to the owner of the puzzle, and asked him how to do it. The next thing I knew (in less than 3 seconds), another friend sitting next to me had taken away my messed up puzzle and put a perfect cube on my hand! I was so shocked.....I couldn't believe how FAST my friend could solve the puzzle! Just as I was about to admire his ability to solve puzzles, I realized that there are actually a set of 3 of the same puzzle, and my friend had simply put a made-up cube onto my hand and hid the one I had messed up!!! Hahaha.....that was funny.....I laughed so hard after I found out. (Nice try Mike! =P)

This reminds me of how GOOD God is in solving our puzzles in life.
"With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." Mark 10:27
Sometimes I am just so absorbed into solving my own puzzles that I forget that I can just hand them over to God. God can solve my puzzles in a split second, but only if I am willing to ask for His help and trust that He can solve them for me.

"Your Father knows what you need before you ask him...Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life...But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. " Matthew 6:8, 25, 33. -->Isn't this a great promise?! ^_^ Yay! No unsolvable puzzles for me!

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