Saturday, September 13, 2003

On a rocking boat

It's been one and a half weeks now...and I am slowing finding my way around Kingston, but still feel like such a foreigner here. I am bombarded by new things: new "home", new school, new program, new church, new fellowship, new name it. EVERYTHING seems to be new here, and I am not used to it yet. As the weekend arrives, I find that I really miss the "business" of my Toronto weekends. I haven't gone on ICQ on a Friday night for a long time. I can't even remember the last time I did it.

To put things in a brighter light, I am actually liking it here a lot! =) I love the atmosphere at Queens, I love the people in my program, I love my housemates, I love Kingston, I love the diversity of the people that I am meeting. It's such a blessing to be here! Yet I can't hold back my feeling of insecurity, feeling that no one is around me for me to fall on...and it makes it harder when I feel so much older than most of the people that I meet. Maybe it's the double cohort? I had a heart to care for these frosh, but now I feel like I am a frosh too...and I feel like I need care as well. I guess these changes are getting to me...and I am trying to stay steady in my rocking boat.

"Give me one pure and holy passion, give me one magnificent obsession, give me one glorious ambition for my life, to run and follow hard after you." This song has recently spoke to my heart a lot, and in this unsteady environment right now, my one and only steadiness is found in Jesus.