Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Very tired...

I don't remember when was the last time that I felt this emotionally drained...last week I dreaded work because of the whiny kids. This week the kids are really good, thank God, but I still dread work. It's really frustrating when your work is not recognized, and when you feel that there is nothing you can do about a situation. You try your best, but according to human standard you haven't tried hard enough. Colossians 3:20 has been really handy lately for me to encourage myself, "Whatever you do, work at it with ALL YOUR HEART, as working for the LORD, NOT for men." If my aim is to show my supervisor how good a camp counsellor I am, it would never work. The key is to try my best and tell myself that I am working for the Lord, and I am genuinely loving these kids because of the love that Jesus has shown me. As long as my focus is on trying my best for God and pleasing God with my job, then nothing can stop me from loving these kids and trying my best even when I am misunderstood and misperceived. This is the only way to get rid of my frustration and my dread of work.