Thursday, July 10, 2003

The summer job has been much more challenging than I have expected. Being a camp counsellor is something that I have done many times, and I am usually comfortable around children. After last year's experience as a special needs counsellor, I thought nothing else can be harder than that...I was wrong. I am currently working as a camp counsellor at the Bayview Country Club. Kids who go to the camps organized by the Country Club have wealthy parents and they are so used to having everything they want. They would complain to the counsellors for EVERYTHING! I am serious, they complain about everything! When we lead a game, they would complain that it is the most boring game before they even get a chance to play it. Then they would suggest their own game for us to play. I have always thought that I am a patient person, but these kids have challenged me to think that I am actually not that patient...and my patience runs low particularly when I get home by the end of the day...I seem to get frustrated more easily with my parents' "comments".
One day it struck me that I am exactly like one of these kids, and God is the camp counsellor. I would nag God for something that I want, and foolishly get mad at God for not granting my requests. I fail to appreciate what I have and I fail to recognize that God is God, and He has the best for me. I complain, I cry, I groan. Maybe the kids need to understand that we as camp counsellors set up rules for them to follow for their own interest, for reasons that they won't understand. Maybe I need to understand that God doesn't always grant my requests because of my own good, and for reasons that I may not, or will never understand. But ultimately, "He who did not spare His own son, but gave Him up for Jacqueline--How will He not also, along with Him, graciously give Jacqueline all things?" Romans 8:32