Wednesday, September 03, 2003

I am a frosh again! ^_^

It was my first day of orientation at Queens for Occupational Therapy. I can't believe that I am a FROSH again! =) It was definitely a fun day, met lots of people but couldn't remember any of their names! =P I played floor hockey for the FIRST time in my life, and I drew a crest on a guy's face using face paint....kinda weird! I had a dinner where all the courses are backwards: dessert, main course, then appetizer! It's a meal prepared for us by the 2nd year Rehab was actually pretty good! =) The most interesting part of the day was our "Amazing Race", we had to walk around Kingston to get clues and do roadblocks, and it took us 3 hours of continuous walking...@_@ By the end of the 3 hours, I almost couldn't feel my legs!

I thank God that even though it's only my first day here, I am starting to like it here already! =) God is really cool in leading me to meet Christians in my program. I've met 2 so far....very cool indeed! =) One of them were tied to me during a three-legged race, and our hands were tied together for awhile too, that's when we started talking and found out that we were Christians. We were saying to each other, "No wonder we were tied together!" God has definitely "tied" us together! ^_^

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purposes." Romans 8:28