Monday, August 18, 2003

A very colourful birthday ^_^

It's late, but it's still worthwhile to put down some of my birthday thoughts. Today is one of the most memorable days in my life, and I have never imagined it to be so special. ^_^ Today my supervisor, co-worker and the camp kids organized a surprise party for me!!! It was actually remembered and brought me unique gifts such as hand-made bracelet, necklaces, self-drawn birthday cards...and a parent bought me a yummy chocolate cake! =) The parent and the kids were waiting in front of a bakery for it to open so that they could buy me the special! The kids made me a huge birthday card and I've never gotten such a big birthday card in my life! I am sure the kids' cute drawings on the card will not fail to put a smile on my face when I go through my tough days in the coming year. It will definitely be the wall paper of my room in Kingston.

A really good friend of mine made me an afternoon tea and had all my favourite food in the little meal.....she also bought me an apron and a pair of slippers for me to use in Kingston. =) My brother bought me a rice cooker to use in Kingston, and my lovely brothers and sisters from Daniel gave me a PUZZLE with their picture on it...I also got a birthday cake from my parents that is shaped like a graduation hat! Haha....what a cute birthday cake!

Besides all the birthday heat and surprises that I have experienced today, I think I am most struck by the fact that the "cultural gap" that has been within me for the past few months has narrowed because of my birthday. Throughout the 6 weeks at my summer job, I've been feeling such a gap between my Caucasian supervisors, co-workers and kids. I felt like an "outsider" even though I tried hard to interact in their style, in their way. Today was a day when I felt "included"...and I was treated like a PRINCESS by the kids. It's funny how these kids have been giving me so much "trouble" and headaches in the beginning, and now they have become my JOY. ^_^ These kids taught me how to show love and care unconditionally and genuinely...and they are sincerely happy just by celebrating my birthday, but not expecting anything in return. No wonder Jesus had said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." (Mark 10:14b)