Monday, October 06, 2003

My newly developed myopia (near-sightedness)

When I first started blogging, I accidentally started two blogging accounts and I stopped using this one. Now due to an unfortunate incident that happened to me, I decided to move my blog page so here is the brand new one. You will see really old entries from June, that's when I started blogging. I am in the process of trying to load my other newer entries back onto this page...just for my own reference, and for your interest if you want to look back. =)

Tonight I went to the 2nd "Praise & Power" event organized by a group of Queen's Christian students, and once again I was touched by the scene of people from many nations worshipping together. I have been surrounded by Chinese Christians all my life that I almost believed that there were not many Caucasian Christians out there until I came to Queens. Then I realized how narrow-minded I was.

Lately I have also been very short-sighted with my struggles, my burdens and my life. My eyes are like a pair of magnifying glass that zooms into details of things that may not be necessary for me to look into. I only realized that I have lost my far-sightedness when I went to a presentation tonight given by a 3rd year physical therapy Christian student. She went to Bangladesh for her clinical placement this summer. It struck me that I have been so focused on my little problems lately that I have lost sight of the bigger picture in my life. I haven't thought about what I can do with my occupational therapy skills overseas for a long time. When my professors talked about opportunities for an overseas placement, I wasn't even paying attention! I used to jump whenever anyone mentions about anything to do with medical missions.

My cure for my near-sightedness is simply this, "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33 Yes, my eyes should be on His kingdom, not on the little bugs that crawl around me.