Saturday, February 21, 2004


Wow....I had lots of treats from friends this week....feel so loved! =) I was treated to a really nice dinner at The Keg, a yummy lunch at a Korean restaurant, a late-night dinner ("siu-yeah"), supplies for baking cookies, some Guacamole Doritos, an out-of-the-way ride home from a subway station, meaningful and fun conversations in a fogged up car, several taped TV shows, and a place to watch the shows. Thanks and hugs to Grace, Mike, Rich, Gilly, Ameals and the UHS girls. ^_^

I am also thankful that Kai-An was understanding enough to let me "skip" the autoshow....originally I was very excited about it, but right now my energy level is running low...and I don't think I wanna be out the whole day tomorrow from 10am to 11pm. However, I am looking forward to the orchestral concert tomorrow night. It's going to be very enjoyable. =)

It's easy to take "treats" and blessings for granted sometimes, and it helps to write them down and be reminded of them. They add a lot of "taste" to life, and they make the "bitterness" in life so much easier to handle.

The Bible puts it well, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. " Proverbs 17:22