Thursday, February 05, 2004

When things don't go your way...

It's frustrating when things don't go your wonder why, but wondering about it makes you more frustrated. When you wish to sit down in a classroom and take notes, someone spills the whole cup of coffee on you and walks away; when you wish to remember everything that you've studied, you feel like your brain can't hold everything in and you're tired; when you wish to tell people about Jesus and about how important He is in your life, you're afraid that you'll ruin the friendships that you've built; when you wish that a friendship would go certain way, it ends up going the other way; when you wish that someone can study with you, you end up studying alone; when you wish to talk about your opinion and belief in something, you find that your tongue is stuck; when you wish that God will give you a candy, He ends up giving you a banana. Even though in retrospect you'll know why God didn't give you the candy but the banana instead, it's always hard when you're still in the situation, and have not walked far enough to look back yet.

"He who did not spare His own son, but gave Him up for us all--how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?" Romans 8:32 I love this verse and I have experienced the power of this verse. But as a child of God who does not have the full perspective of everything, it's hard to trust and wait patiently. Waiting is always hard.