Thursday, January 08, 2004

My Urbana experience

I finally got myself to sit down and write my paragraph of Urbana experience tonight. I needed to send it to my pastor and it would be published in the church bulletin this Sunday. Once again I realized how much my Chinese writing skills have deteriorated, I even struggled to write just ONE paragraph in Chinese!!!

Ever since I came back from Urbana, I haven't had a chance to sit down and reflect on what I have learned since I have been so busy running around. Tonight was the first time that I actually sat down and reviewed some notes that I had taken during the convention. There is so much that I can share about the convention, that's why it's hard for me to put my experience into words when people ask me about it. There is just too much! One of the things that I really enjoyed was the fact that I was surrounded by Christians there. Everyone was so nice there and I could talk to anyone sitting beside me about my life experiences even though I had never met them before. This combined with the experience of 20,000 people worshipping together has given me a fore-taste of what it's going to be like in heaven.

I was reminded that I was "fearfully and wonderfully" made by God. The Creator does not make a mistake. Who I am is exactly what God made me to be. My unique identity as a Chinese Canadian is a gift that God has given me, and I can use this unique identity to let God's kingdom shine through me. This is something that I have almost forgotten after coming to Queens and being surrounded by so many Caucasians.

I have sang the song "Give you everything" many times at the convention, but when it comes to really giving God everything, including my trophies of this world, or even my firstborn when He asks is definitely not easy to do. I really pray that I can live out my commitment. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done. Amen.