Saturday, December 13, 2003

My new love

I know you guys are all excited about this blog because of the title...haha...yes, I have found my new love, and I have visited him late last night and this evening when the sun was setting. He is so gorgeous, so calm, so gentle....and oh, I forgot to tell you his name. His name is Lake Ontario.

I've recently started to take walks around Kingston to get away from the four walls of my room, and every time I take walks I can't resist the temptation to visit the lake. Today I decided to visit the lake during sunset, and it was so beautiful. It was very cold indeed, but I enjoyed every moment of my visit. I was sitting on a rock, looking at the beautiful colour of the sky, the irregularly shaped clouds, the ripples created by water crashing onto the rocks, the loon swimming on the lake (I wonder why it's still around in December), the wonderful music sung by the choir of waves, wind and cars passing by...I was enjoying the moment so much that I didn't even feel the coldness of the weather, and no one was around me so I had the whole lake to myself. Then a couple walked by, and they went to stand on one of the rocks close by. The beautiful song that I had been listening to was interrupted by the couple's conversation and laughter, so I decided that it's time for me to go.

I am falling more and more in love with the serenity of the lake and the beauty of the nature.

Looking at His wondrous works I stand amazed in awe,
how can any person doubt that He is Lord?
Still nature sings out its praises that I ought to join
and share in this grand worship to the Lord.

-chorus of His wondrous works