Friday, December 12, 2003

Yay! Tangible cards! Graduation ceremony! Cookies!

CLAUDIA!!! Thank you so much for the tangible card! It's so sweet of you! =) I love it! It was such a pleasant surprise after my anatomy exam! =) *hugs*

VICKY!!! You surprised me with your card too! =) Really appreciate it! =) Your card was a great encouragement as I was studying for my anatomy exam a few days ago. *hugs*

JAN!!! Glad that your exam went well. =) Thank you for being the FIRST person who sent me a card here in Kingston. You sent more than one card too! =) It's very sweet of you! =) *hugs*

Today I went to my housemate's graduation ceremony. He has been taking a 3-month course at the Queen's School of English and has graduated today. I felt special that I was invited to his ceremony and was able to share his joy with him. He SURPRISED me by going up on the stage and making a valedictorian speech! He didn't tell me prior to the ceremony coz he wanted to "surprise" me. And yes, I was pleasantly surprised, and his teachers and classmates gave him a standing ovation. Good job Abdu! =) Proud to be your housemate! Too bad I ran out of film...

I felt kinda funny sitting there in the ceremony...hehe...coz I felt like a "parent"...hehe...when I looked around, it seemed like I was the only non-School of English student there. Haha...and the row that we were sitting in was the only row that was EMPTY coz no one wants to sit beside me....Hehe...they didn't know who I was.

Made some chocolate chip cookies today...hehe...had SO MUCH FUN making them with my housemate Sam. We laughed so hard...GOOD TIMES SAM!!! =) I am sure the cookies are good because of what was added to them while we laughed and talked....=P Now you guys will never have any of my cookies! =P I am scaring you all eh?