Sunday, November 30, 2003

My weekend

I had lots of good food this weekend! =) On Friday we had our house dinner and the pasta was yummy. On Saturday there was a girls' night out and we had banana splits! =P Hmm....haven't had ice-cream with so many kinds of toppings for a long long time....Tonight there was a turkey dinner served at my fellowship, and a cake for dessert too! Did I make you salivate? =P** What a high sugar weekend! As if I didn't have enough sugar, I am drinking "Ovaltine" right now (instead of coffee) so that I have the energy to study a little bit more! p(o^_^o)q

After fellowship, we went to a Christmas worship service organized by Queen's students. It was amazing. I told myself that I wouldn't give up the worship service for anything else...hehe...when it comes to worship, anatomy has to be placed lower on my priority list. There was a song during the worship that I haven't sung for a long time, and it's such a great reminder for me...
"...I sing for joy at the work of your hands
forever I'll love you forever I'll stand
Nothing compares to the promise I have in you."

I am sure most of you know this song...and it's such a great reminder for me that in the midst of my exams, my stress, my whining, I can hold onto so many promises in God. He promised me wisdom when I ask, He promised me love that no one can take away, He promised me strength to endure anything, He promised me hope and prosperity for my future, He promised me His wide open arms to lie on when I am tired and burdened...

In the midst of this exam craziness, do I have room for Him and His promises?
"Joy to the world, the Lord has come. Let earth receive the king...
...Let every heart prepare Him room..."