Saturday, November 15, 2003

Technology--good AND bad

My grandma is so CUTE! =) I was talking to her for almost an hour on the phone...she lives in HK and I don't get to talk to her a lot. She took care of me until I was three, and we have always been very close. Talking to her was so much fun, but at the same time I realized how much my Chinese has deteriorated! I PAUSED in the middle of some sentences to translate English terms back to Chinese in my head...and those processes took longer than I thought they would! @_@ On this account, it's great that technology allows me to talk to my cute grandma who lives on the other side of the world! =)

However, technology also has the potential to create distance between people. Less people mail cards to people's homes now but choose to mail E-cards instead. I guess you can say that I am "outdated", but I still like receiving cards that I can touch way more than E-cards. Of course E-cards are nice too, but not as nice as REAL tangible cards.

Thanks to technology, I have totally misunderstood a good friend of mine. I found out today that I have misinterpreted the meaning of one of his E-mails...and I had been upset about his mail solely because I have misunderstood what he meant! Had it been him talking to me face to face, I wouldn't have misunderstood him. Sarcasm is just so hard to tell in E-mails since you can't here the other person's tone of voice.'s GREAT but it's HORRIBLE too!