Monday, December 08, 2003

Weekend in TO + assumptions

So I am back to Ktown! I am surprised that I didn't get lost coming back from the bus station...hehe...I hopped on the right bus! (Coz there was only one! =P) Anyway...I am still quite proud of myself! =P Now I know how to take Bus route 2 - Calvin Park. my weekend was awesome! =) I got to see so many people again...I saw many girls whom I lived with last year at New College, U of T, they were all in rez studying for exams so I got to see them all! =) It's so nice to re-visit a place where I've lived for four years. Elaine, Winnie, Stef, Gloria, Dereka, Angie, Shruti, Melanie and Cat, I will be thinking about you and praying for you all! =)

Unionville girls: Kai-An and Karen, thanks for the fun hang-out! =) Claudia, Teresa, Doris, Nancy...too bad I didn't get to see you. =( Looking forward to our next "gathering"...

Daniel folks, I am looking forward to seeing you all in a week! =) EgoMama and CHF, I will be especially praying for you two! =)

Despite of a great weekend, I actually felt a little "booish" (Jacqueline's definition: the adjective of "boo", not to the extent of being upset/unhappy but not happy either). I know that everyone makes assumptions, and I do too. I think assumptions are needed at certain times, but not needed when they are used to judge people. I don't get it...does it make me a bad student if I take a break during an exam period after working hard for 3 exams? And am I not working hard enough by going to a concert and buying something that I need in a mall during the weekend instead of studying at home? This is the ONLY break that I have taken during an exam period for my past 5 years of university, and this year happens to be a year where I have a one week break in between my two exams...and I have done studying in advance. So....others conclude that I "should" be studying...even though my break was a result of me studying ahead of time. It's just annoying how people think that way....this reminds me that I should be careful with my assumptions in the future too, coz I may have done the same thing to others and have annoyed them the same way. Sorry guys...I just needed to vent.