Tuesday, January 06, 2004

What a bummer!

Life is full of unexpected surprises. Two of my housemates and I were so excited about going to see the Return of the King today. We checked online yesterday for the schedule and it said that there would be a show today at 4pm. We arrived in front of the Kingston Capitol 7 theatre only to find out that the box office was not opened until 5:30pm. The first show of the day was at 6pm! I have a meeting at 7pm so we couldn't see it today. What a bummer!!! We had to walk all the way back and that totally spoiled my mood! =( It turned out that my housemate and I forgot to make sure that the schedule that we were looking at yesterday was for today. Apparently they have changed their show times today and there wasn't one at 4pm. =( Boo...