Wednesday, January 14, 2004


I am so landlord turns down the heat at around 12am and I always feel very cold when I stay up to work.

It was great that one of my classes were cancelled today. =) I got some extra time to finish up my application and I am really thankful for that. =) Last night I got the BEST editing on my application that I have ever gotten before! My housemate sat down with me and talked through my whole application with me...we spent more than 2 hours on it. Thank you so much Sam! =) You're awesome!

Today I met with my CPP (Community Partnership Project) volunteer for the last time. We've completed the 6 hours of visit that we need and today was the last one. The volunteer cooked a meal for us and it was so yummy! We had cheesecake for dessert too! =)** Through our casual conversations, I have once again noticed the volunteer's positive attitude in life. She is so positive with her life even without a right arm, and she is enjoying life as much or even more than people who have both arms. She has all kinds of really cool adaptive devices in her kitchen to enable her to cook with one arm, and it's so neat to see her using her prosthetic arm with such skill.

Lately I have been in my little world, pondering about a lot of different things, and meeting my volunteer has reminded me how negative I can get when I start to think in my own little world. I forget how powerful God is and how much He loves me.

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I say it again, rejoice!" Philippians 4:4