Tuesday, February 03, 2004

I am loved ^_^

First of all, I just want to say THANK YOU for caring enough to read my thoughts. I feel very loved and special that my counter has reached 1000!!! ^_^ At times I feel like I am talking to myself and no one reads my blog, and I lose my motivation to blog...but then I realize that maintaining my blog is a way for me to be vulnerable, to let others walk beside me and to let others care about me, especially friends in Toronto that I don't get to see very often. So once again I want to say that I feel loved that out of all the things that you can do, you would choose to read my blog. =) It means a lot to me! =)

I have recently started to go to coffee shops to study again. I used to do this quite often when I was at U of T, but I stopped after I came to Kingston. Now that I am more familiar with the area, I started to go to Indigo, Second Cup, Tim Hortons and the Queen's Common Ground to study. It's funny how I study better when there are noises around me. They force me to concentrate. I guess it's also because of the caffeine that I am getting! =P Anyway, today I was at Tim Hortons, and surprisingly I couldn't concentrate. I can usually concentrate pretty well in any coffee shops, but today I couldn't. First I was distracted by the homeless person sitting outside of Tim's, and I regretted not spending some time to talk to her when I gave her the hot chocolate. Then after a while different groups of friends started to float through my mind while I was trying to study....it's such a weird feeling, I felt like there was a stage in my mind and different friends continue to go on and off the "stage". So I decided to jot all the names down to clear my thoughts, and I jotted down more than 20 names....it was so crazy!

Does anyone want to tell me what is happening to my brain? =P