Thursday, July 01, 2004

When someone intrudes into your life

I still remember learning in social psychology about a belief that a majority of people holds. Most people don't believe that something "bad" would happen to them until it happens. This theory applies to everyone who believes that others can die from smoking, but "not me".

Today something that I would never imagine happening to me and my family happened. My house was broken in when the house was empty. Thank God that my dad didn't come back too early to meet the thief, or he would have been in danger. I am angry that someone out there is selfish enough to break into other people's homes, take what they want and go on with their own business. They have no idea how this act has affected us as a family. I am angry that there are people out there who steals, murders, abuses, name it, thinking that it's OK to intrude and harm people's lives like this. What right do they have to intrude and mess up people's lives this way?

It's one thing to feel sad about something bad that has happened, but it's another thing to feel guilty, stupid, regret and anger about something bad that has happened, but also something that you could have easily prevented.

I can't help but to think about Job. How on earth can he say something like this when all his children died and all his possessions were gone in one day???

"Naked I came from my mother's womb,
and naked I will depart.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised."
-Job 1:21