Monday, September 13, 2004

fresh start

School is starting tomorrow...well, technically in about 10 hours. I finally settled into my 2-bedroom apartment with a housemate, put away all my boxes, got the necessary furniture. It was a blessing that we got a working 13 buck TV with remote and free channels (with Global, CTV and CBC!) mattress is finally dry after moving in on Thursday when there was pouring rain!

I didn't feel ready for school until after the first Praise & Power worship tonight. For those of you who don't know, it's a monthly worship service run by Queen's students. I miss this kind of vibrant worship a lot...didn't get it for the past few months. I was reminded that I have found the greatest love of all, this love is mine, when Jesus laid down his life on the cross. I was reminded that I can start my school year fresh because his grace has found me, and I know that with him beside me, nothing "bad" can really happen to me. I was reminded to surrender, and to let him have his way in me.

A fresh start, new attitude, renewed hope.