Monday, July 19, 2004

Endless chatting

I was supposed to have gone bowling with some friends tonight but didn't feel like going afterall, so I stayed home instead.  I planned to do some leisure reading, but ended up going online for 3 hours!  Argh!  ICQ and MSN are big time wasters...but at the same time I feel blessed that I had an endless stream of people chatting with me.  =)  It took me close to an hour to say goodbye.  It's such a wonderful feeling to know that when I am "online", people take the initiative to drop me a message and say hi.  Even though I don't get to see them face to face, their hi's are like pats on my shoulder, telling me that I am loved.  =) 
What a great thought to end a know that people love me.  =)  Jesus loves me too!