Tuesday, October 28, 2003


ANATOMY MIDTERM ON FRIDAY!!! Oh no....it's so crazy how this course requires us to remember SO MUCH! Arrggghh...I don't know how I am supposed to remember more than 100 terms, 50 muscles, their origins and insertions, and their nerve innervations!!! Man...I am so bad in memorizing stuff....@_@ I just have to remind myself constantly that
"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

Monday, October 27, 2003

Take nothing for granted

Yikes! The only washroom that we share on the floor is FLOODED! The toilet is completely blocked, and we can't use it at all. Our landlord is away (they live in the same house, on the lower floor) so we cannot fix the toilet right away.

God is definitely reminding me that I should not take anything for granted. It's just so easy to take little things for granted. I was sick for two weeks, and I have just recovered. (YAY!) During my sickness, I realized how much I took my singing for granted. I didn't know that I sing THAT MUCH until I got sick and started coughing. I couldn't sing a line of melody without coughing!!! IT WAS SO BAD!!! Sometimes I forgot that I had a cough, and I started singing...and of course a long cough followed. Hahaha...imagine how ANNOYED I was...you would NOT want to talk to me at that moment! =P

Now the toilet!!! I have to stay up tonight to study for my anatomy midterm, and I can't drink water!!! Coz I have no toilet to go!!! Ahhh....guys...feel FORTUNATE that you can go into a washroom tonight, flush the toilet and can move on with your life. Well...I guess I am still quite fortunate. My landlord trusts us so much that she always leaves her apartment door unlocked. I hope she doesn't mind me "borrowing" her washroom! I'll tell you if I get kicked out of the house! Haha...then I will realize that I took having a place to live for granted.

"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Lost children

It was definitely a heart-breaking moment to see Cecilia's parents pleading to the abductor to keep her daughter safe. It's really hard to imagine how a child could be taken away from her own home, where she feels the safest.
Cecilia's mom, Sherry, couldn't stop crying at the news conference when she was making the speech. If this is how a mom would feel about a missing child, I wonder how God would feel for the millions of "missing children" around the world who do not even know Him as their Father yet. God has loved them even before they were born, but these missing children do not have a clue that a Heavenly Father loves them so much and wishes them to come home every second of the day.

God must have ached for Cecilia's disappearance way more than her parents, because God's love for everyone of us is so high, wide, deep and strong that we as human can't even fathom how great it is. But because of His great love for us, He also aches everyday for His missing children to come home to Him.

Lord Jesus, I pray for Cecilia's family right now. I pray that you will comfort them in this really tough situation that they are facing now. I also pray for Cecilia, that she would be safe and be able to experience her parents' love for her once again. God, more importantly I pray for the millions of lost souls in this world who haven't known you yet. I pray that these missing children of yours will come back to you and be able to experience your great love for them. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Sunday, October 19, 2003

My source of JOY

My cold is getting better...thank you for all your prayers! ^_^ I am still coughing and sniffing, but not as bad as before. From this cold, I realized how much I LOVE singing...and how HORRIBLE it is to lose the ability to sing...I miss singing SO MUCH!!! I tried singing with my guitar today, but I can't finish one whole song without being interrupted by my cough....it sucks! God must be anxiously waiting for me to be able to sing to Him again! Hehe...=P

I've got so much stuff to do...midterms and assignments are piling up...but strange enough, I have NO MOOD to do any work today. I did some...but at a very slow pace. I find that my room in Kingston makes me feel lonely...and this loneliness prevents me from doing things effectively...it's almost sad to realize that I have no close friends here whom I can talk to...yes, I am sure that throughout the year I will make friends here, but right now it kinda sucks that I have no one to call when I need to talk. I guess I am spoiled in Toronto where I always have friends surrounding me, but I also have to learn to be joyful even when I am by myself. If King David in the Bible can do it, so can I!

"I have set the LORD always before me.
Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
because you will not abandon me to the grave,
nor will you let your Holy One see decay.
You have made known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand."
Psalm 16:8-11

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

I am so sick!

Oh man....can't believe the funny feeling throat turned into a bad cough, and the bad cough led to a stuffy nose, and now I have EVERYTHING: cough, stuffy + runny nose, headache, dry throat....I couldn't even make it to my anatomy lab today! Hopefully I feel well enough at 3pm to attend my 3-hour lecture....Wouldn't it be cool if I get a personal attendant who can go buy medication for me and go to class for me? Hahaha....

Monday, October 13, 2003

Solving puzzles

I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving weekend! =) Mine was great except that I developed a bad cough and a stuffy nose! =( Hopefully I will be well very soon....got tons of work lined up for me....@_@

I am glad that I had time to visit some friends during the weekend, and I got to see my lovely brothers and sisters in fellowship. They welcomed me with such warmth that I felt so special....hehe.....=) At one of my friend's place I was playing with a puzzle. It was a puzzle with many pieces of wood connected together and the objective was to twist it so that a cube would be formed. However, there were only certain ways that you can turn at each connection so it was quite challenging to put it back into a cube. I was playing with the cube and I accidentally took part of the cube apart during a conversation. I had trouble putting it back into a cube form and I asked my friends to help me. (You can tell that I am bad with puzzles! =P) I turned to the owner of the puzzle, and asked him how to do it. The next thing I knew (in less than 3 seconds), another friend sitting next to me had taken away my messed up puzzle and put a perfect cube on my hand! I was so shocked.....I couldn't believe how FAST my friend could solve the puzzle! Just as I was about to admire his ability to solve puzzles, I realized that there are actually a set of 3 of the same puzzle, and my friend had simply put a made-up cube onto my hand and hid the one I had messed up!!! Hahaha.....that was funny.....I laughed so hard after I found out. (Nice try Mike! =P)

This reminds me of how GOOD God is in solving our puzzles in life.
"With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." Mark 10:27
Sometimes I am just so absorbed into solving my own puzzles that I forget that I can just hand them over to God. God can solve my puzzles in a split second, but only if I am willing to ask for His help and trust that He can solve them for me.

"Your Father knows what you need before you ask him...Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life...But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. " Matthew 6:8, 25, 33. -->Isn't this a great promise?! ^_^ Yay! No unsolvable puzzles for me!

*Please feel free to respond to my blogs by signing my guestbook! I would LOVE to hear from you!*

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Bad news

It's so hard to hear bad news, it's so hard to know what to say to comfort a person who is dealing with the suffering/hardship. My heart always goes out to the person who is going through the hardship, but there was never once that I knew what to say to the person. I think the worst feeling about bad news is that I feel so helpless, and I don't know what to do. I try to imagine what it would be like if I were in the person's situation, but it doesn't seem to help because everyone goes through hardships differently, and there is no universal way to comfort everyone. So I conclude that the only helpful and useful thing to do when I hear bad news is to PRAY. There's nothing that I can do? God can do EVERYTHING. Don't know what to say? Jesus has all the comforting words to say to the person. PRAY PRAY PRAY. This sounds like praying is the last resort, but in fact, praying is the most POWERFUL thing that we can do, and it should be the FIRST thing that we do when we hear bad news.

Lord Jesus, I don't know how to pray, but I know that you will understand what i want to say, and you're listening. I pray that you will comfort the people who are suffering right now, whether from sickness, from family death, from famine, from natural disasters, from war, from persecution, I pray that your healing hand will be upon them, and I pray that they will come to experience you through this hardship, and draw on your strength and power. May your peace be with these people tonight, and I pray that you will give them an extra big hug now. In your name I pray, Amen.

Monday, October 06, 2003

My newly developed myopia (near-sightedness)

When I first started blogging, I accidentally started two blogging accounts and I stopped using this one. Now due to an unfortunate incident that happened to me, I decided to move my blog page so here is the brand new one. You will see really old entries from June, that's when I started blogging. I am in the process of trying to load my other newer entries back onto this page...just for my own reference, and for your interest if you want to look back. =)

Tonight I went to the 2nd "Praise & Power" event organized by a group of Queen's Christian students, and once again I was touched by the scene of people from many nations worshipping together. I have been surrounded by Chinese Christians all my life that I almost believed that there were not many Caucasian Christians out there until I came to Queens. Then I realized how narrow-minded I was.

Lately I have also been very short-sighted with my struggles, my burdens and my life. My eyes are like a pair of magnifying glass that zooms into details of things that may not be necessary for me to look into. I only realized that I have lost my far-sightedness when I went to a presentation tonight given by a 3rd year physical therapy Christian student. She went to Bangladesh for her clinical placement this summer. It struck me that I have been so focused on my little problems lately that I have lost sight of the bigger picture in my life. I haven't thought about what I can do with my occupational therapy skills overseas for a long time. When my professors talked about opportunities for an overseas placement, I wasn't even paying attention! I used to jump whenever anyone mentions about anything to do with medical missions.

My cure for my near-sightedness is simply this, "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33 Yes, my eyes should be on His kingdom, not on the little bugs that crawl around me.