Monday, February 27, 2006

my richness vs. the world's poor

I've been trying to unpack, re-organize & clean my room for a whole week now...and I am still not done. I realize how much junk I have accumulated over the years. It seems that I only use 30% of the things that are in my room, the rest are for "keepsake". My keepsake things include letters/cards from others over the years, clothes, stationary, bank statements, childhood toys, stamps, picture albums, stuffed animals, handouts from various conferences and organizing my room, I once again come to realize how true it is that I am among the top 1% of the richest people in the world.

A few hours ago I received an e-mail from a friend who just went to India for her clinical placement. In her e-mail she described in details her first impressions of India, as well as the poverty that she has experienced there. After I finished reading her e-mail, I had tears in my eyes...I just can't fathom the poverty that people in India are experiencing. I had been throwing out things in my room for the past week and I still have a room full of things, but people in India do not even have enough $$ to purchase food and medication for their children. I can't bare the fact that I can't do anything here to "help" the people there...I wish I can do something, anything to "help"...

I can't wait till one day I can go overseas, wherever it would be, to be there for the poor in this world...for I know that the joy in my life is not from any material things that I already have right now, but it's from serving people whom Jesus loves, and to show them His love. I know I can start by serving the poor right here in Toronto...instead of typing in front of a computer screen feeling helpless.