Saturday, June 11, 2005

chronic fatigue

It has been a LONG while since I last updated my blog. I don't think I have ever taken such a long break from my blog before. Cat, thank you for the sweet message that you left. =) Sometimes I really wonder if my hit counter goes up because people randomly found my blog using the "next blog" button or because they googled a word that was found on my blog. Anyway, it was good to know that friends like you truly care and would ask why I haven't blogged.

The truth is, I have been super tired lately. I don't know what is happening to my body. Placement seems to be draining a lot of energy out of me. No matter how early I try to go to bed at night I always end up feeling tired the next day. I have neglected my blog because I can't even keep up with my e-mails. By the time I finish responding to e-mails, I am done with the internet. That's why you probably don't even see me on MSN very often anymore.

Weekends in Toronto is tiring me as well. My new part-time job in kingston is fun but tiring. In general, I think I have too many things on my plate. Is this the first time that I've done this to myself? Obviously not. So why am I tiring myself out by doing the same thing over and over again? Friends...maybe you can help me out.