Wednesday, January 11, 2006

update from Sudbury

I'm slowly adjusting to Sudbury and its dark mornings, but there is still a long way before I can get more comfortable with the clients I am seeing.

Today I had a client who was frustrated to a point where she was verbally aggressive with me. I have never worked with clients with brain injuries before and this is definitely challenging for me. I feel like I have LOADS of information to cram into my brain before the end of my placement...but challenges push me to learn and grow as a therapist. I am thankful for the challenge and am asking for wisdom to deal with my clients and the office politics that are surfacing.

I am very glad for the wooded area outside my window since that is the only piece of nature I can get here in sudbury so far. I am missing kingston a lot, especially my chance to visit the lake everyday when I was there. The sidewalks are not clear enough for me to run on...and I don't see many who run in this city. I am thankful for the YMCA here though! =) It's got great facilities and I can take some aerobics classes and train there as well. So all in all, I am doing well. =) Will update you more later...