Thursday, November 04, 2004

Touched by a simple question

I am so exhausted, so drained. Too much work, too many things on the go, too little time to rest. Today a friend of mine asked me how I was doing...just a simple question, but as I was answering, I couldn't hold back my tears. I didn't expect them to come, but they did. When I saw my tears come down, that's when I realized that I didn't have it all together afterall.

Next time when I see someone, I'll make sure that I stop and ask "How are you?" even though it may seem very customary and heartless at times. It's true that most of the time people would probably answer "good" even though they are not, but you never know if someone is actually waiting to pour out to the next person who asks that simple question what has been going on in their life, and you happen to be there for them.