Tuesday, October 12, 2004

A little blurb

So I am back from spending the weekend in TO. It was a good weekend, I met up with some friends, went on a hike/BBQ, had dinner with family, went to Karaoke, slept, watched TV, did NO work! Arrgh...my next few days are going to be disastrous...but I won't complain, coz I needed a break. =) Now I have no reason to slack off for the next few days. =P

The Sunday sermon at church was very encouraging...I almost forgot how much I love listening to Edward preach. He has a sense of humour that engages you in the sermon...there is no way you can fall asleep when he is preaching. The art of thanksgiving is not easy, we tend to complain a lot as human beings. There is always a positive side to things, it depends if we pay attention to it.

TO Peeps, see you in 2 months! =)