Monday, September 20, 2004

My lost sock

It was laundry day for me. I finally worked up the motivation to walk to the laundromat. As I was folding my laundry after I was done, I realized that one of my socks was missing! I quickly went back to the laundromat in search for the sock, hoping that it's still in one of the machines. I looked inside the dryer--nothing. Then I went to the washing machine that I had used, and a woman was using it already. So I asked her if she saw a sock inside the machine, she said no. But she was very nice to open the machine door while it was still running, mixed her clothes around, lo and behold, there was my little cartoon sock!!! I thanked her, feeling a great satisfaction that I have found my sock. If the lady wasn't nice enough to look into the machine for me, I was prepared to sit around and wait until her load was done so that I could look into the machine at that time.

Then it dawned on me...this is so similar to the lost sheep parable in the Bible, where the shepherd of 100 sheep would leave the 99 sheep and look for the 1 missing sheep. I could sense a little bit of the urgency and concern the shepherd felt...and I am sure when Jesus looks for us, he feels a similar urgency and concern for us too. He is willing to wait for us to turn back to him, at whatever cost, even it means dying on the cross for us.