Saturday, September 18, 2004

The art of following

It was an active day for me. First I had to carry 3 bags of groceries with me while power walking up a steep slope, then I had to run from one place to another, afterthat I went on a 3-hour hike. As if this is not enough, I went on a 30 minute walk after dinner too....and of course, a good hot shower concluded my day nicely.

There were about 30 of us on the hike. I went with a bunch of people from the Queen's Navigators. It was fun...definitely different from what I am used to--hiking alone. Hiking with other people requires me to follow the person in front of me closely (if I want to continue my conversation with them). I found following the person in front of me quite hard...coz I tend to take bigger steps than I should and felt like I was going to run into the person ahead of me. It's harder when we are going down a slope because I tend to take big steps and quickly go down the slope, but the person ahead of me took small and careful steps. At times I wished I was ahead of the line so that I could set my own pace.

That reminds me...following Christ is not an easy task either. We often want to set our own pace, and be "ahead", but we find it difficult to follow God's steps. We always want to be in control and always want to know where exactly we are going. We tend to forget that Jesus knows where to bring us and he knows the best route to take us on. We don't need to fear running into him because he has arms ready for us when we fall. We just need to keep a close distance with him to keep up our conversation, and be willing to walk at a speed that Christ leads us at. It's not an easy task.

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." -Jesus