Saturday, October 30, 2004

What I would rather not do, but will be doing

Ever since elementary school, I have always hated fundraising events. But no matter how much I hate fundraising, I am always stuck with one fundraising event every year, and this year is no exception. I still remember the "horror" of asking relatives, friends, and friends of my parents to support me for a certain event when I was younger, and I always feel that I have no ability to convince people that their funds are going to a good cause.

This year I find myself in the same position, facing the Navigator's Work Day, and don't know what to do. I dread asking people for money so much that last year I "raised" most of the funds by getting funds out of my own pocket. I wonder why it's so hard for me to ask for people's money. Is it a humility issue? Am I just too worried about my "face" (in Chinese people terms) that I would not want to ask people for money? What is so scary about asking for people's money?

I think one reason why I am so hesitant to ask people for money is because I feel that I am taking things away from them that they should own. I also hate the fact that I am asking them for something valuable, but I have nothing to give back in return. I think it's also the fear of rejection. I am afraid that people are going to say no to me. But what if they really say no to me? So what?? What's so horrible about people saying no to me anyway?

OK...I should stop this let me tell you guys what I am fundraising for. Navigators is a Christian group that I am involved in at Queen's. On Saturday Nov.6th we are going to do a full day of work (9am-3pm) at a Homeless Shelter in Kingston. So by giving me money, you are pumping me up to do some rough work at the homeless shelter on saturday (I would feel your love and support while scrubbing the floor...=P), and also supporting the Navigator's to bring encouragement and the good news to students on campus.

So....if you are interested in giving, let me know. Any amount will be very much appreciated. =) No amount is too small! THANK YOU SO MUCH ahead of time for doing this guys! =)