Friday, October 15, 2004

"Oh Crap!"

This is a phrase that I have gotten too comfortable with lately...are things really THAT "crappy"? "Oh crap!" I have two things scheduled at the same time. "Oh crap!" I forgot my lab coat at home. "Oh crap!" I am late. "Oh crap!" I have so much work to do. "Oh crap!" There is a spider in my shower. "Oh crap!" The library is closed the weekend before the library assignment is due.

Crap- How would you define this term? According to the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, "crap" is defined as "1. excrement 2. act of defecating 3. nonsense; rubbish". Now wait a minute! My life is not equivalent to nonsense!!! Definitely not equivalent to excrement either!!! So why on earth am I saying "Oh crap!" all the time???'s just a habit, but a habit that I want to get rid of. I believe that if I become too comfortable with this sentence, I will soon see everything as "crappy" to me...but in fact things are not as "crappy" as I think. Yes there may be "crap" once in a while, but it's not so bad that I have to remind myself time and again that I am dealing with "excrement" and "nonsense". in summary, all I want to say is: My life is not crappy! Afterall, I was able to move one of the two things that were scheduled at the same time, I was able to go back home and get my lab coat, I was able to take naps in the midst of my heavy work load, I was able to kill the spider after I am done my shower, and the library assignment due date got extended. Now...I just need to think of a phrase to replace "Oh crap!". about "Oh lucky girl"? Or "Oh I am blessed"? Or "Oh silly you"? Ok I am not getting anywhere...any suggestions guys???