Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Nostalgic scenery

Placement has been going great and I am learning so much from working with my OT preceptor, a psychiatrist, nurses, social workers and vocational instructors. I got a chance to PAINT and I haven't done that since Gr.8 Design and Tech class. I may get a chance to do some wood work on Thursday as well...hehe...I am excited. You must be wondering why I get to do these stuff in my placement. Well...I am working with clients with mental health illnesses, and these clients work at a "Wood Shoppe", which helps them engage in productive work and improve their quality of life.

Anyway...this is totally not what I wanted to write for this blog...but I just happened to be blabbing about it. =P So...there is a lake (Trout Lake) that is only a 5 minute walk away from where I live, and I have been taking walks almost everyday. It's so nice visiting the lake and admiring the beautiful scenery. (I definitely hope to live by a lake someday...=P) This past Sunday I was reading by the lake, sitting on a rock, with birds chirping and sounds of waves hitting the rocks as background "music". Today I went on an "adventure" with my housemate and we ended up walking through tree branches and bushes...the tricky part is that I was wearing Kapris and he was wearing shorts! =P Hehe...but it was fun. =)

Psalm 19 says:
"The heavens declare the glory of God,
the skies proclaim the wonder of His works.
Day after day they pour forth speech,
night after night they display knowledge."

I can truly experience the meaning of this verse taking in such nostalgic sceneries...