Monday, April 19, 2004

Why do we have to WAIT?

Boo...the Leafs lost at double overtime...very annoying.

I've had really cool conversations with friends (you know who you are =P) during the past weekend...and it seems like the theme of "waiting" keeps surfacing during our conversations. Indeed, waiting is a human "weakness". No one wants to wait...we want to have results right away. We want to be first in line. We want to know if we get into a program right away. We want exams to be done, right now. We want our vacation/break today. We want the Leafs to score and beat the annoying 1-1 tie. We want our prayers answered the second we pray about it, or even without praying for it. Why is it so hard to wait?

I think one of the reasons why waiting is so hard is because in waiting, we have no way of controlling the outcome. We can work towards the outcome, but we can't guarantee a positive outcome. We can be working so hard for something, but not get what we want in the end. Another reason why waiting is hard is because when we look at the finish line, we realize how far away we are from that line. We feel like we're never going to get there, and we get discouraged.

While taking a walk this weekend, I realize that if I just fix my eyes on the Tim Horton's that I want to get to (or the street that leads to it), I won't be able to appreciate the scenery around me. I think the essence of waiting is being able to appreciate what is around us while we're walking towards the finish line. It's hard to do because we want to be done, but it's also important to appreciate what we have and what we are doing at the moment. Otherwise, I would be missing out on a lot of nice flowers, trees, streams, lakes and birds chirping while God is taking me on a hike. Yes Nic, God is always delighted to bring us on a hike, and He wants us to learn to follow Him one step at a time and to appreciate the place we are standing right at the moment.