Sunday, March 14, 2004

Why am I here?

The Madrid bombing killed 200 and wounded 1500, suspect in Madrid bombing linked to Sept. 11 suspect...continuous air strikes and bombings in Gaza...massive fire erupts in Moscow...such are the headlines that I see on the Globe and Mail. This made me ponder: What kind of world am I living in? I spent the whole weekend with a bunch of med students and docs and had a wonderful time drumming on a guitar case and engaging in inspiring discussions. After I got back and sat in front of the computer reading the news headlines, it dawned on me that I am back to my "real word". It's hard not to be downhearted when I envision what kind of challenges I'll have to face in this world. To be honest, if it isn't for Jesus, I can't think of any other reason why I ought to live in this world in the midst of all this chaos. What's the point of living if there is no ultimate purpose in life and everything that you work so hard to achieve will be gone the second you die? Is there a reason I need to do good if there is no God, afterlife or judgement? Having said that, I am very grateful that I know why I am living, I know that there is a God who loves me just as I am, and I know that in the midst of chaos and suffering in this world, I can find joy and peace in the almighty God who has everything in control.

Well...I know some of you may have lots to say about what I just wrote. You're welcome to comment, or even send me a personal E-mail. I will be more than happy to have a great chat with you. =) Hope you have some time today to think about why you are here...