Monday, March 07, 2005

My new best friend - Mr. Mop

What a crazy weekend! I have grown very close to my new best friend--my mop--during the past 12 hours. My kitchen was flooded for the 4th time, and this time is so much worse than the other times. Argh! My housemate and I spent the WHOLE AFTERNOON mopping up water from our kitchen...but we are forever grateful for KITTY LITTER! helps suck up the water a lot. The best part of this whole crisis is that my landlady is "out of the country", and won't be back until Friday...which means that there is absolutely NOTHING we can do from now until Friday...and the weather report is not looking good...Snow and rain??? Water is going to rush into our kitchen through our back door because our kitchen floor is lower than the drive way on the back of our house, and the driveway is covered by a thick layer of ice. I can't even begin to think about what would happen once EVERYTHING starts to melt! Argh!

To top this is insane. I just found out that several pages of "education material" for one of my projects due on friday has become a 20-page paper. I am currently working on 5 projects that are all going to be due in the next two weeks....

But I guess I am still thankful because I see God's blessings in the midst of all this:
-a bee mop stick appeared all of a sudden in our hallway closet, just what we needed, at the perfect timing
-a worker from Rona gave us the idea of using kitty litter
-I have a housemate who is going through this with me
-a friend drove me around all afternoon for me to get sandbags and anti-flood stuff
-2 classmates dropped off a shop vac and offered her place for me to stay if I needed it
-neighbours and friends lent us mops and buckets
-friends have been praying for me, and are still praying
-I got hugs from friends when I needed them
-I have friends to vent on

From this experience, I learned how important it is for us to offer practical help when people are in crisis situation...sometimes "I'll pray for you" just wouldn't cut it.