Saturday, January 15, 2005

Crazy for You

I went to watch the musical Crazy for you with my housemate and her friends was SO GOOD! The lead singers sang very well, and the script was so funny! Then we went to have a hot cup of bubble tea, and I came back with a full stomach of Taro milk black tea with bubbles....hehe....=)

In brief, the story of the musical is about an hier of a banking family, Bobby, upon his arrival in a mining town for a business trip, instantly fell in love with a woman, Polly, in the town. Bobby was willing to do anything to win Polly's heart, and eventually with some wit and persistence, he won Polly's love.

As humans we are crazy for many things in life: we are crazy to get ahead, crazy to stay in shape, crazy to find any kind of security, crazy to earn big bucks...but are the things that we are crazy about really worth our time and energy to go crazy for?? Or is there something more in life that is worth us to be crazy about?

I am crazy to know more about the God who loves me enough to die for me. I am crazy to touch others with this love, and I am crazy for the life that He has planned ahead of me. And of course...I am crazy to find out about my "special one" His time. =) (hehe...please don't mock me next time you see/talk to me, or I'll be dreadfully embarrassed.)

~"What does the worker gain from his toil? ...He (God) has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."~~ Ecclesiastes 3:9~11