Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I may as well skate, or walk bare feet

Kingston winter is horrible!

There was snow on the ground from yesterday but somehow the snow melted overnight and became ice. All the streets here are like a big skating rink. I could have taken out my skates and skated on the streets. Too bad I can't skate well. What makes it worse is that rain is pouring, and the water makes the ice even more slippery. Thankfully I didn't slip on the ice, but I was so close to breaking my wrist again.

Walking back after handing in my essay, I had to buy things that are needed for today. Rain was pouring, wind was blowing in all directions, every step I took I had to fight with the rain and the umbrella with one hand, while using the other hand to hold onto the bag of things I bought. I couldn't even count how many times my umbrella flipped. By the time I got home, my pants were soaked, my socks were soaked, even my feet were soaked. I was dripping. I may as well walk bare feet on the street. Maybe then I won't even get my shoes and my socks wet.

I can't believe I used all this space to complain...maybe it isn't really THAT bad...but I am just whining like a baby because there are 3 exams and a paper that I need to deal with in the next 7 days...and I just handed in one paper today.