Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Extrovert or introvert?

Am I an extrovert or introvert?

I've had this discussion with a friend, and I think I am an extrovert. However my introverted side has surfaced more than ever...mainly because I have been out so much meeting up with different friends that I feel like I need more time on my own. I was at home most of Christmas Day and I was very happy "dating myself"...hehe...playing the guitar, singing, watching TV, blogging, reading...I definitely need more of this...but then it's so hard to strike the balance because I don't get to see my Toronto friends very often, and when I am in town I want to have quality time with everyone...haha...I guess I am too ambitious...and I need to learn that there is always a give and take. I can't have both all the time...need a balance. Yes, balance is the key.

So if I haven't met up with you yet, you know why. =)