Thursday, February 03, 2005

my new crave for MSN?!

Lately I enjoy "hanging out" on MSN a lot...I used to wonder why people would go online and put on an "away" sign instead of going online when they are REALLY online...I think I am starting to understand why. Going on MSN and putting on an "away" or "busy" sign makes me feel like I am "hanging out" with my friends in Toronto even though I may not be talking to them or I am not physically with them....but I feel like I am making myself "available" for them in case they need to talk to me. My housemate puts it this way, "I use MSN as an answering machine." It's true, people can leave you a message anytime they want to talk to you, and you will be available to them. However it's a weird feeling to be chilling and hanging out in the cyber space...I would still prefer seeing my friends for real...hehe...

I've been taking a very interesting course every week, and one thing that we discussed last week was that technology can bring people closer in a lot of ways, but can also push people further apart. Take cell phones as an example. Since we can talk to our friends on our cell phones now, we are less likely to talk to the stranger sitting next to us on the bus. We are less likely to talk to people who are in closer proximity to us because we are talking on our phones with people who are far away. In that sense, phones can push people further apart. Even though people live in the same community, they may not necessarily know each other anymore.

I think MSN can have the same effect....instead of hanging out with Queens friends, I may be hanging out with my Toronto friends on there's gotta be some balance. Now...I'll stop babbling coz it's time for me to, I just wish I have more much work!