Tuesday, April 27, 2004

My workout day

It's been such a work out day for me...hehe...haven't "exercised" like this for a long time. I moved the rest of my stuff out from Kingston today with my family. We left the house at 7:30am to pick up the rental van, and didn't get back home until 12am at night. My back muscles and my shoulder muscles are hurting...I need a good massage...=P Anyone wants to come visit? =P I am back in Toronto!

After all these physical exercise today, this verse actually came up in my mind:

"Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."
1 Timothy 4:7-8

I find that it's easier to detect my physical "un-fitness" than my spiritual "un-fitness", yet the latter is so much more important than the former.

Friday, April 23, 2004


Ahh.....can't believe that I am DONE!!!! Hehee...so happy...and the weather is so nice out! =) 4 hours of sleep for the last two nights is totally not enough....haha....I am running on adrenaline...

Now....onto my next task....which I don't like doing very much....PACKING TIME! But I must say that this is WAY BETTER than sitting in a room from 9am till 3am studying....

Go Leafs Go!

Monday, April 19, 2004

Why do we have to WAIT?

Boo...the Leafs lost at double overtime...very annoying.

I've had really cool conversations with friends (you know who you are =P) during the past weekend...and it seems like the theme of "waiting" keeps surfacing during our conversations. Indeed, waiting is a human "weakness". No one wants to wait...we want to have results right away. We want to be first in line. We want to know if we get into a program right away. We want exams to be done, right now. We want our vacation/break today. We want the Leafs to score and beat the annoying 1-1 tie. We want our prayers answered the second we pray about it, or even without praying for it. Why is it so hard to wait?

I think one of the reasons why waiting is so hard is because in waiting, we have no way of controlling the outcome. We can work towards the outcome, but we can't guarantee a positive outcome. We can be working so hard for something, but not get what we want in the end. Another reason why waiting is hard is because when we look at the finish line, we realize how far away we are from that line. We feel like we're never going to get there, and we get discouraged.

While taking a walk this weekend, I realize that if I just fix my eyes on the Tim Horton's that I want to get to (or the street that leads to it), I won't be able to appreciate the scenery around me. I think the essence of waiting is being able to appreciate what is around us while we're walking towards the finish line. It's hard to do because we want to be done, but it's also important to appreciate what we have and what we are doing at the moment. Otherwise, I would be missing out on a lot of nice flowers, trees, streams, lakes and birds chirping while God is taking me on a hike. Yes Nic, God is always delighted to bring us on a hike, and He wants us to learn to follow Him one step at a time and to appreciate the place we are standing right at the moment.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

What studying can do to you...

While studying with Claire at Timmy's today, we joked about going up to the cashier and buying one timbit, then asking them to cut it in half for us...we laughed our heads off about this one silly thought, then Claire suggested that she would put this joke on her ICQ away messages. My suggestion was for her to put "claire_the timbit spitter" with an intention to say "claire_the timbit splitter". I didn't even realize I said spitter instead of splitter until she repeated my sentence...and we laughed for another 5 minutes...

You are probably sitting in front of your computer right now wondering why you're wasting time reading something like this....haha....but you can't resist reading the rest of this coz you want to know how crazy Jacqueline can get...

While at Timmy's I realized that I had forgotten my keys, but I figured that my housemate would still be up so I wasn't too worried. When I got home, I tried to ring the door bell a couple times but no one answered. Then I tried to throw little bits of tree branches at my housemate's window but was unsuccessful. I also tried calling out his name from downstairs but he didn't hear me....I've always thought that these scenes would only happen in cheesy soaps but not in real life...I was wrong...haha....anyway, so I finally rang the bell two more times before my housemate came down to open the door for me....

I guess I've had too much studying lately...

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

When is this going to stop???

April 11 - Czech TV crew and Chinese citizens
April 9 - American truck driver
April 8 - Japanese civilians, Israeli-Arab aid worker
April 7 - Canadian aid worker
Other unconfirmed ones - Turks, Pakistanis, a Nepalese, a Filipino and an Indian
Released - UK contractor and South Korean missionaries

Are these Iraqis going to STOP capturing people??? Part of me wishes that all the troops will leave Iraq and let them deal with their own problems...since they don't appreciate foreign help at all, why bother? Tons of Iraqis civilians are killed during this post-Saddam war as well...when is this going to end???

Monday, April 12, 2004

To relieve some exam stress...have a laugh! =)

Computer showdown
Jesus and Satan have an argument as to who is the better programmer. This goes on for a few hours until they come to an agreement to hold a contest, with God the Father as the judge.

They set themselves before their computers and begin. They are given the task, and began to type furiously, lines of code streaming up the screen for several hours straight. Seconds before the end of the competition, a bolt of lightning strikes, taking out the electricity. Moments later, the power is restored, and God announces that the contest is over.

He asks Satan to show what he has come up with. Satan indignantly protests, "I have nothing! I lost it all when the power went out." "Very well, then," says God, "let us see if Jesus fared any better."Jesus enters a command and the screen comes to life with a vivid display, the voices of an angelic choir pour forth from the speakers. Satan is astonished.

He stutters, "B-b-but how? I lost everything, yet Jesus' program is intact! How did he do it?"

God chuckles, "Satan, when are you going to learn ...Jesus saves!"

- adopted from http://www.graceweb.org/Laugh-A-Lot!/

Friday, April 09, 2004

You are my King

I'm forgiven because You were forsaken
I'm accepted You were condemned
I'm alive and well Your spirit lives within me
because You died and rose again

Amazing love how can it be
That you my King would die for me?
Amazing love I know it's true
It is my joy to honour you
In all I do I honour you

Every time I sing this song, I can't help but to be moved by Your love. Thank you for loving me and dying for me, I really don't deserve it.

Thursday, April 08, 2004


THERE IS A BIG MOUSE IN MY HOUSE!!! Argh....it's now consuming my bag of bagels in the cupboard, and I can't do anything about it coz I can't open the cupboard door to get my food out or else it'll run out from the cupboard and we won't be able to catch it. My landlord doesn't have a mouse trap in the house so he can't catch it right away...argh! This small little creature is freaking me out and I can't concentrate....I went into my room, heard my clock clicking and thought another mouse was in my room. Yikes! I am getting so paranoid.....

I got flowers!!! ^_^

I had a fun night with my small group tonight...hehe...a high-calorie night with good smoothies, ice cream, chocolate, etc. Why do all the good food have high calories??? =P We had some great laughs with the movie Cheaper by the dozen....hehe...and got all excited playing with the auto function of our cameras...took some really awesome pictures. What a nice break from studying all day! =)

To make the night even better, Claire bought us FLOWERS!! And my favourite kind too...hehe....tulips!!! =) There are two white tulips sitting in my room now, and they bring a much happier mood to the room...hehe...coz every time I look at them I know that someone loves me and bought me flowers. =) THANKS CLAIRE!!! =)

Monday, April 05, 2004

My awesome tour guide =)

I visited Ottawa for the past weekend to see the Dead Sea Scrolls. It was actually a 1.5-day trip, but it was lovely. =) I really enjoyed the exhibit and the quality time that I spent with my high school friend Kai-An. The best part of the trip was seeing God behind the scenes, from our planning of the trip to my departure from Ottawa.

Our original plan was to meet at the museum because Kai-An was taking the Greyhound from Toronto, and I was taking the train from Kingston. However, we ended up "bumping" into each other on an Ottawa transit bus! We happened to have gotten on the SAME BUS to get to the museum! According to our schedules, I was supposed to be at the museum before Kai-An, but my unplanned delays had brought me onto the same bus which Kai-An got on...

For my departure, I was planning to get on Bus #8, then switch to Bus #95 to get to the train station. Since the Parliament tour was a little longer than we had expected, I decided to take the cab to the station because I would have missed the bus. However, I was trying out my "luck" to see if the bus would be delayed due to the snow, but I ended up getting on Bus #95 "accidentally" and got to the train station without the need of switching buses. =)

Anyway, you would probably want to know about how the Scrolls were....hehe....well, I think it was very cool to see God's word in such an ancient form, and it's encouraging to know that the verses on the Scrolls actually match very closely with the Bible. The other exhibits shown with the Scrolls were very interesting as well.

All in all, I am thankful for the amazing tour guide I had for this trip. =) I don't think I can find another person who can do a better job than He does...=)

[ I can't list all the details that my wonderful tour guide has brought me through, but if you're interested I can always tell you more through E-mail/icq/msn. =) ]