Monday, February 27, 2006

my richness vs. the world's poor

I've been trying to unpack, re-organize & clean my room for a whole week now...and I am still not done. I realize how much junk I have accumulated over the years. It seems that I only use 30% of the things that are in my room, the rest are for "keepsake". My keepsake things include letters/cards from others over the years, clothes, stationary, bank statements, childhood toys, stamps, picture albums, stuffed animals, handouts from various conferences and organizing my room, I once again come to realize how true it is that I am among the top 1% of the richest people in the world.

A few hours ago I received an e-mail from a friend who just went to India for her clinical placement. In her e-mail she described in details her first impressions of India, as well as the poverty that she has experienced there. After I finished reading her e-mail, I had tears in my eyes...I just can't fathom the poverty that people in India are experiencing. I had been throwing out things in my room for the past week and I still have a room full of things, but people in India do not even have enough $$ to purchase food and medication for their children. I can't bare the fact that I can't do anything here to "help" the people there...I wish I can do something, anything to "help"...

I can't wait till one day I can go overseas, wherever it would be, to be there for the poor in this world...for I know that the joy in my life is not from any material things that I already have right now, but it's from serving people whom Jesus loves, and to show them His love. I know I can start by serving the poor right here in Toronto...instead of typing in front of a computer screen feeling helpless.

Monday, February 20, 2006

In transition

Seven weeks of placement in Sudbury flew by like a blink of an eye. It was an awesome experience, with amazing co-workers and a preceptor who trusted me enough to give me half of her caseload. Some patients were challenging, but some completely cracked me up! =) I would enjoy staying there for another seven weeks. Surprisingly the weather wasn't too bad when I was there. The locals said that it's not a typical winter for them, and I was lucky! There were lots of snow though...there were 3 snow storms for the 7 weeks I was there. Fortunately I didn't have to do any shoveling! =P Hehehe....but walking to work was pretty bad!

Now I am back in Toronto, and will be starting my next placement in a week. I am thankful that the placement situation worked out for the best in the end, God always surprises me with His blessings. After my next 6 weeks of placement is done, I would have nothing to do...well at least I don't have any plans yet. I always find transitional periods like these hard. I hate not knowing where I will be in 2 months. I know I need to trust God in this, and I know that He has the best plan for me. However circumstances make it hard for me to trust God sometimes.

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1. I wish I know how to act out this verse...