Saturday, April 30, 2005

a random thought

I have been back in Toronto since Wednesday night, and I have been out seeing friends everyday! Haha....I don't think I will get my "rest" until I go back to Kingston. It's nice seeing my friends...I wish I have more time for them.

Anyway, so I was supposed to see a friend of mine whom I haven't seen for a long time on thursday night. We arranged to have dinner on thursday night but it turned out that he had an emergency. So I ended up waiting around downtown Toronto for an hour before I got his call...and then feeling annoyed, I went back home. I understand that it's an emergency and he didn't mean to stand me up, but I wish I had known earlier that he wasn't available.

As I was driving back home, I realize that I have stood Jesus up many many times in the past. I say that I will read the Bible tonight, but I end up feeling "tired" and putting it off until the next night. I say that I will pray before I go to bed, but I end up falling asleep before saying "Amen". I must have made Jesus upset so many times...but the amazing thing is that He is still patiently and lovingly waiting, waiting for the time when I come before Him, sit by His feet, and enjoy His presence.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

a funny comment

"Your voice always sounds like you're singing!" A friend of mine commented last's too funny that I have to post it on my blog. Do you agree??? Hahaha...

Friday, April 22, 2005


I am finally done!!! Yippee!!! How exciting!!! I finally get time to dance around the house, sing at the top of my lungs, watch movies, go on MSN/ICQ, go out for runs, get a bike, learn how to rollerblade (err...maybe buy a pair of blades first...haha), read the 10 books that I have started, prepare for my missions trip, sleep, hang out with friends, play my guitar, try out new recipes, bake some cookies....and yes, I have to pack and move again!! yikes! Hate moving...I have moved so many times in the past 6 years that I am so sick of the process. But at least I don't have to spend time with my papers, textbooks and notes anymore, I am sure they won't miss me, and I won't miss them either. LOL.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


5000 visitors! I can't believe how many of you have come and visited my site. What an encouraging thought as I prepare for my exam tomorrow! =) Thank you for caring and loving me through reading my blog. =)

Love you too! =)

Saturday, April 09, 2005


God has shown me so much love and blessings through my friends today!!!

One of my classmates won a timmy's donut, and she gave me the winning rim! hehe...=)

Then tonight, I had a party with my small group...and the girls totally surprised me with 2 gifts and a book!!! I couldn't stop "aw-ing" for 5 minutes...and was so touched that I cried!!! =*) Hahaha...they had a good laugh watching my reaction. The book that they gave me is about the inner-city ministries in downtown Toronto as they knew that I had a burden for the homeless. They also gave me scripture memorization cards coz I had been talking about memorizing scripture!!!! PLUS! They pooled in $50 for my missions trip!!!!! Awww....I was soooo happy, so touched, so surprised! I still am. Hehehe...=)

As I was telling my housemate what happened, she couldn't believe how CLUELESS I was! Basically, what happened was that one girl arrived late, and she didn't have a chance to sign the card. So the host of our party asked the girl who was late whether she wants to see the bedroom. They went in, and I thought, oh, I want to see the bedroom too!!! I got up from my chair, and then half way there another girl asked me when my last exam was. I answered, and then another girl started asking IN DETAIL about the course that I will be having my first exam in. In my mind I was thinking, why would these girls want to ask me questions when I am walking, when there are 5 other girls sitting at the table? And I didn't think they were THAT interested in my OT course, but they kept asking questions about being the gullible me, I just kept answering their questions...meanwhile two of these girls bursted out laughing, and one of them even spat out Nestea!! I was wondering why my OT exam would be so funny to after the last girl signed the card, they gave me the gift and then I realized what had happened. We had a great laugh.....=D

It was one of the best days of my life, the highlight of my school year, a surprise that I would never forget. What a great way to end my school year! I love surprises. =)

Monday, April 04, 2005

I hate papers! =(

Can someone please tell me why I need to write 9 papers in a month???!!! I am not even counting the ones that were written in January and February. I am so sick of papers!!! I just handed in two this past week, had an exam, and am writing another one. Argh! This last paper that is due on tuesday is driving me INSANE! It's supposed to be "10 pages double-spaced" but we are also supposed to hand in a bunch of other things in the "appendices", which means that the paper can be 20 pages double-spaced.

Oh papers how I love thee...