Sunday, March 21, 2004

Cookies reflection

Baking cookies
- When I decide to follow a recipe, I don't know if it actually works or not. I just need to try it out, and it's really by faith that I trust the recipe.
- My trust in the particular recipe increases if I have used other recipes from the same website and have found them good.
- During the process, there are times when I am doubtful about whether the cookies will turn out, coz the "goo-iy" cookie dough looked much softer than the ones I baked before.
- After tasting the first cookie, I realized that I should have put in more chocolate chips (just like what the recipe says)...but nevertheless the cookies are pretty good, very soft and chewy. =)

Walking with God
Trusting God with my future requires faith. As I learn more about Him and His character, I come to put more faith in Him because I have experienced Him to be a trustworthy God in the past. There are times when I doubt whether God is walking with me, and whether His plan is the best (since His plan may be different from mine), so I may stubbornly choose to deviate from His plan at times. But God's protective hands will not let me fall, even though I am stubborn and may not follow him 100%, He still has control over my life and I know that my future will still be bright. =)

*By the way...I made my FIRST THREE splints today!!! exciting is that!!! ^o^