Thursday, November 25, 2004


A big warm HELLO to all my beautiful friends! =)

Sorry for not being in has been crazy. I still have so much to do from now until the end of term...ok...I shouldn't think about it now, and I REFUSE to get stressed! =P here's my update:

Workday (Nov.6)
A group of us went to a women's shelter and did whatever work they wanted us to do. We ended up raking 20 bags of leaves, cleaned windows, cleaned out recyling bins with rotten diapers, saw a kid running ON the rooftop...craziness! Workday was a good work out for me. =) When I went out for dinner that night, I thought the chair wasn't ergonomically designed and was causing me thigh pain, but it was actually because my thigh muscles were hurting from doing all the phyical work that day! about being obsessed about my future profession. Thank you all who supported me financially!!! =)

Global Medical Health Conference in Kentucky (Nov.12-13)
It was an awesome conference!!! I was so refreshed when I got back from the conference. I was quite stressed before I went away, came back with more work waiting for me but not at all stressed. Seeing things with a wider perspective always helps, and it's good to see what is happening around the world. Meeting Joni Eareckson Tada was a high point. She is a quadriplegic who lost the use of all her limbs when she was about to graduate from high school. I just can't believe the joy that radiates from her face every time she talks! If a quadriplegic who had lost most of her body function can still live with such joy, I can't see why I can't do the same.

So what's happening with me now?
There is SO MUCH to do! This term has been crazy, but I am glad that it's almost done! I am so excited for exams to be over, and then I can have my Christmas holidays and see ALL OF YOU!! YAH!!! =) Neuroanatomy bell ringer is next week am already freaking out...never liked bell ringers, will never come to like them. My shoulders are hurting from wearing a heavy backpack and typing in front of the computer all night to finish up assignments, so I should go. =)

It's raining outside....and God is showering down His blessings on us! =)

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I am up and running...doing well! =)

Hey lovely people! =) I just want to drop a little note to let you know that I am doing better...but I have been so busy with work and was away for the past weekend that I haven't had a chance to blog. Since my last blog was so negative, I figure that I should drop a note to make sure you all know that I am not drained/exhausted/upset anymore. =P

Thank you so much for those of you who dropped me notes and e-mails to check on me. I feel very loved and I know that even though you are in Toronto, I can still count on you to give me support. =)

I will write more once my essay is done...and I need to let you all know how my workday went since so many of you have supported me financially! =P


Thursday, November 04, 2004

Touched by a simple question

I am so exhausted, so drained. Too much work, too many things on the go, too little time to rest. Today a friend of mine asked me how I was doing...just a simple question, but as I was answering, I couldn't hold back my tears. I didn't expect them to come, but they did. When I saw my tears come down, that's when I realized that I didn't have it all together afterall.

Next time when I see someone, I'll make sure that I stop and ask "How are you?" even though it may seem very customary and heartless at times. It's true that most of the time people would probably answer "good" even though they are not, but you never know if someone is actually waiting to pour out to the next person who asks that simple question what has been going on in their life, and you happen to be there for them.