Sunday, July 23, 2006

long time no blog...

I haven't blogged for over a I getting lazier or am I becoming less open? To say the least, living at home has definitely taken a toll on me and I am still adjusting to it, but the experience has also become part of a big learning process that I am still going through right now...

Over the past 2 months I have gone to 5 weddings, and there are 2 more to come. Everyone around me is getting engaged/married which makes me feel old...and turning 26 in 2 weeks doesn't help this feeling! I am closer to 30 than 20...which is a thought that is a little scary! So I have been thinking about how I can live my life to the fullest as a Christ follower, and how I can live as a happily single person in a world where marriage around late 20s is the norm. My MSN name has been "joyful jacqs" for the longest time, and I want to learn to be joyful and content in any and every situation, but the lesson is definitely not easy to learn. How does Paul do it??? What do you guys think?? I would love some feedback...

On a lighter note, it's been great hanging out with friends in TO and trying out new things on my own. I went to Centre Island last weekend with friends who went to China with me, and this weekend I went on a camping trip with church friends who grew up with me. I am learning how to rollerblade (hopefully without a lot of falls) and my UT friends are teaching me how to play poker. I am adjusting to a new church and a new job, and getting used to the responsibilities of being an "adult" in a working world.

I'm going to keep this short...but would love to hear back from you all! :) I'll try to update my thoughts/experiences more regularly...