Tuesday, March 14, 2006

feeling cranky

I am in my most crankiest mood today...it seems like everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. I felt like an idiot at the hospital today, and things were not great after work either. Is it because I see everything in a negative way when I am cranky? Or are things really "objectively" bad?? I don't usually have mood swings like this...but this is definitely not the funnest thing to deal with. I HATE being cranky!! (oh my...even that sounds cranky.)

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Today at fellowship we quickly read the book of Micah in the Bible and had some discussions. Once again I feel the urge to take a course at the seminary...I felt so unfamiliar with God's word, especially because Micah is in the part of Old Testament that we as Christians don't always pay attention to.

The Bible study discussion got me thinking a lot...once again my feeling of helplessness in regards to injustice in this world surfaced again. There are people in this world who are silently suffering, some of them are even our close friends. But do we know how to "help"? Are we capable of "helping"? What can I do right now with my current resources??

Much to think about...and then it's time for action.